IG21-01 Igniting 2021 ‘s Good Vibrations.

Ignite your heart and soul with Sara Troy and her guests Sara Jane and Enolia, on air from On this show Sara, Enolia & Sara Jane will share their thoughts and suggestions of things that work for them to help keep their vibrations as high as possible. Sara Jane says, The words Good Vibrations remind … Continue reading IG21-01 Igniting 2021 ‘s Good Vibrations.

IG20-32 Sara Jane. Vocal Reiki: What is it and how does it work?

Ignite your heart and soul with Sara Troy and her guest Sara Jane, on air form August 10th Sara Jane is the founder of Vocal Reiki which incorporates both the energy of Reiki and Toning (the use of the voice but not singing). During this interview you will learn a little of Sara’s own story, … Continue reading IG20-32 Sara Jane. Vocal Reiki: What is it and how does it work?