MH22-28 Ronald A. Alexander, Open Mindfulness Creativity

Mental Health Awareness with Sara Troy and her guest Ronald A. Alexander, on air from June 28th The Big Idea: When artists describe their creative process, they inevitably talk about being in an open mind state where the download of core creativity can happen. Musicians such as The Band’s Robbie Robertson’s description that “Creativity comes from … Continue reading MH22-28 Ronald A. Alexander, Open Mindfulness Creativity

IG22-09 Heidi Garis is Tapping into Abundance

Ignite your heart and soul with Sara Troy and her guest Heidi Garis, on air from March 1st Abundance has an attractive ring to it.  Everyone wants it but what is it really and how do we create it? Tapping into Abundance isn’t something Heidi came to naturally.  In fact, lack and ‘not enough’ were … Continue reading IG22-09 Heidi Garis is Tapping into Abundance