Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Keven Ring, on air from March 20th EMBRACE REFORM AND ALSO CUT CRIME!  CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM EXPERT: Kevin Ring, is the President of Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM). He is the author of Scalia Dissents: Writings of the Supreme Court’s Wittiest, Most Outspoken Justice. As Arizona lawmakers seek solutions to … Continue reading TSM 18-11 FAMM: CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM with Kevin Ring

GVS 17-39 Echo in Ramadi with Scott Huesing

Our Global Veterans Stories, with Sara Troy and her guest Scott Huesing, on air from October 3rd Scott A. Huesing is a retired the United States Marine Corps Infantry Major with 24 years of honourable service, both enlisted and as a commissioned officer. During his career spanning 10 deployments, he has conducted operations in over … Continue reading GVS 17-39 Echo in Ramadi with Scott Huesing

16-47 Are you willing to CHANGE your ATTITUDE?

Sara Troy hosts Sara's View of Life on air from November 22nd  I hear every day someone having an issue with their lives. Work sucks because they are not getting enough out of it, or it is taking too much out of them. Relationships suck but no one will take the time or effort to … Continue reading 16-47 Are you willing to CHANGE your ATTITUDE?

TSM 16-47 Sustainable FOOD for the Globe

  Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Norma Burnson aired from November 22nd  In my heart and so, l I am happiest in a garden. I believe that a garden is the closest we'll get to God while here on Mother Earth. Journaling since the age of 12, it wasn't until I … Continue reading TSM 16-47 Sustainable FOOD for the Globe

TMS16/03 The Need of a LOO (toilet)

Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Jasmine Burton aired January 19th-24th Not everyone has a LOO  We take for granted in the Western world that everyone has a flushing toilet, but that is not true, a number of people in the world without a loo is huge and this can cause sickness. One team … Continue reading TMS16/03 The Need of a LOO (toilet)